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Intrinsic Motivation VS Extrinsic Motivation: Which drives you towards better performance?

Hrichita Paul

credit: wildpixel on Unsplash

The media, for a very long time, has been highly focused on showing the role of Extrinsic Motivation as a factor that leads to success. However, if we try to go in depth on the topic of motivation, we become aware of the various types of motivations that have an influence on us. While reading a Psychology textbook on Individual Differences, I came across the term Intrinsic Motivation, and it pushed me to think more about motivation, and its importance, in general. Now the question stands, What is Intrinsic Motivation? We'll also have to understand what Extrinsic Motivation is — which is simply termed as “motivation” in the media without categorising it into a particular type of motivation. 

In Self Determination Theory, distinction is made between different types of motivation based on the different goals or reasons that give rise to an action. The most basic distinction is between Intrinsic Motivation and Extrinsic Motivation. 

Intrinsic Motivation is defined as the doing of an activity for its inherent satisfactions rather than for some separable consequence. It is when we are motivated by personal satisfaction or enjoyment instead of external factors like reward or punishment. Intrinsic motivation is important when it comes to maintaining long term success, and requires you to focus on a long term goal. I would also like to term Intrinsic motivation as genuine motivation, and that is because it won't exhaust in a short period of time. Intrinsic motivation will provide you with a boost to complete your specific work with less distractions and intense focus. It gives you the willpower to continue, which is very important in the completion of various tasks either big or small. For example, if you are intrinsically motivated to workout despite having a packed schedule, you are very likely to wake up early in the morning. All in all, Intrinsic Motivation provides a strong base in cultivating willpower. 

Extrinsic Motivation, on the other hand, is a construct that pertains whenever an activity is done in order to attain some separable outcome. Extrinsic Motivation, as the name suggests, is external in nature. It is something that comes from external sources(s). Extrinsic motivation may influence different individuals in different levels, depending on the motivator, the agent used to motivate, and the motivated individual's personal bias and perceptions. 

Now let's focus on how to make your tasks easy with the use of intrinsic motivation or extrinsic motivation.  

For Intrinsic Motivation: 

  1. Curiosity or Interest is a given when it comes to developing intrinsic motivation. This is what keeps you going without being bored. 

  2. Challenging yourself from time to time is a necessary element of Intrinsic Motivation that can be used as a skill set to improve your performance 

  3. Rewarding yourself is key if you want to give your intrinsic motivation a boost and helps you build a healthy relationship with yourself which can be neglected when you are trying hard to achieve something. 

For Extrinsic Motivation: 

  1. Seek for a source, it should feel natural and not forced.

  2. See if the source of your Extrinsic Motivation is persuasive enough and it is better when you can relate to it without your personal biases and views overruling it.

  3.  There's also a need for you to be selective when it comes to seeking a source for extrinsic motivation, not all sources are legitimate and there is always a tendency of being prone to negative persuasion in the guise of motivation.

To conclude, 

I've personally found Intrinsic Motivation much fruitful than Extrinsic Motivation as Intrinsic Motivation as it develops has a strong hold on the individual as opposed to Extrinsic Motivation which is fleeting in nature, a constant surge of Extrinsic Motivation may not be available at all times and can get overwhelming. 

However, it can be different from individual to individual as there are many instances when Extrinsic Motivation plays a big enough factor in individual success. Take for example, your favourite sports person or a singer or any kind of celebrity may motivate you to continue pursuing a career in a field that is hectic and full of hardships. The love and devotion felt towards someone excelling in a particular field may provide you  with a reason to continue which establishes the need and importance for Extrinsic Motivation. 

So, it’s for us to look into what helps us excel.



  1. What Is Extrinsic Motivation? 

            by Kendra Cherry 

            Year: 2022 Container: Verywell Mind URL:

  1. Intrinsic motivation: How to pick up healthy motivation techniques 

            by Adrienne Santos-Longhurst 

            Year: 2019  Container: Healthline URL: 

  1. Characteristics of the Rewarder and Intrinsic Motivation of the Rewardee

            by Edward L. Deci, John Nezlek, Louise Sheinman In Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,

            Year: 1981, Vol. 40, No. I, 1-10  Container: 1981_DeciNezlekSheinman.pdf

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